Certain times of the year evolve to include aspects of introspective thought. Personally, I believe this transition occurs as individuals realize they likely have more years behind them than ahead. For most people this period of introspectiveness occurs on their birthday. However, every Father’s Day is my time to reflect on the past and decide if minor course corrections are required.
Generally, spouses and children spend the day taking care of chores for pops (eg mowing yard) or cooking a favorite meal and those activities or efforts are greatly appreciated. Most fathers, I think, take time to appreciate the family they helped build and how they are doing their best to provide a secure and bright future for their kids. However, there is another aspect to this day.
Eventually fathers gain entry to a unique club, one in which they might well be the first of their peers to join. Sadly, over time, their friends will also lose their fathers and forced to contend with the silence of a constructive critic, a source of wisdom, and a beacon of pride for the family he helped create. No one discusses this club of lost fathers. However, meetings occur on this day every year at cemeteries across the country. Silent, singularly collective meetings. Fathers, being what they are, tend to the grass growing over the marble and brass markers while having a conversation about the kids, fishing, golf, and career.
This Father’s Club, with the painful price of membership, serves a purpose – to remind us of our limited time, to strike a balance between career and life, and continue that fatherly role of loving, wise, and supportive critic before we too go silent.